Shopify Tips

Add Bluesky icon to Shopify
How to add a Bluesky butterfly icon to the other social media icons and links in the Shopify Dawn theme.
Add Bluesky icon to Shopify
How to add a Bluesky butterfly icon to the other social media icons and links in the Shopify Dawn theme.

Add tag links to blog posts
A guide to displaying the list of tags associated with a blog post, linking through to other blog posts which also share that tag.
Add tag links to blog posts
A guide to displaying the list of tags associated with a blog post, linking through to other blog posts which also share that tag.

Finding icons for your site
iconmonstr is an amazing free resource that I highly recommend. It is a searchable and very user friendly repository of icons created by Alexander Kahlkopf, an experienced professional logo designer...
Finding icons for your site
iconmonstr is an amazing free resource that I highly recommend. It is a searchable and very user friendly repository of icons created by Alexander Kahlkopf, an experienced professional logo designer...

Add an RSS feed link to your blog
A guide to adding an RSS feed icon and link to your Shopify blog(s).
Add an RSS feed link to your blog
A guide to adding an RSS feed icon and link to your Shopify blog(s).

Adding previous and next links to blog posts
A guide to adding links to the next and previous blog post / article from the one being viewed.
Adding previous and next links to blog posts
A guide to adding links to the next and previous blog post / article from the one being viewed.

Replying to blog comments
A (very crude) guide to a method of being able to reply to specific blog post comments in Shopify.
Replying to blog comments
A (very crude) guide to a method of being able to reply to specific blog post comments in Shopify.

Choosing product types for search result filters
A guide to editing your Shopify theme code so that you can choose which product types you want the inbuilt Search & Discovery app to include in a search filter,...
Choosing product types for search result filters
A guide to editing your Shopify theme code so that you can choose which product types you want the inbuilt Search & Discovery app to include in a search filter,...

Choosing product tags for search result filters
A guide to editing your Shopify theme code so that you can choose which tags you want the inbuilt Search & Discovery app to include in a search filter, for...
Choosing product tags for search result filters
A guide to editing your Shopify theme code so that you can choose which tags you want the inbuilt Search & Discovery app to include in a search filter, for...

Changing your Twitter icon to an X icon
How to change your Twitter bird icon to a new X icon in the Shopify Dawn theme.
Changing your Twitter icon to an X icon
How to change your Twitter bird icon to a new X icon in the Shopify Dawn theme.

Directing your domain to your store and hosting...
Introduction This guide is for people who have not bought their domain through Shopify. It is for people whose domain is hosted and managed elsewhere and want to point just...
Directing your domain to your store and hosting...
Introduction This guide is for people who have not bought their domain through Shopify. It is for people whose domain is hosted and managed elsewhere and want to point just...

Setting up DMARC on your e-mail address
It has become a requirement of Shopify that if you want to use your own e-mail address with store notifications to customers (e.g. order confirmations and dispatch notifications) it must...
Setting up DMARC on your e-mail address
It has become a requirement of Shopify that if you want to use your own e-mail address with store notifications to customers (e.g. order confirmations and dispatch notifications) it must...